RegLens Pro

Regulatory Intelligence

The industry’s most advanced Legal Regulatory Change Management (LRCM) Solution




Global Regulatory
Laws and Rules

Intelligently tagged and organized by AI so you can keep doing your best work


Deep Summary Knowledge, Delivered

RegLens offers regulatory summaries for its laws and rules.​ Saving you time and keeping your Legal Team from traversing repeating documents.

Cover All Your Bases

RegLens identifies which Laws and Rules have been mapped to existing Corporate Documents (e.g. Obligations ,Policies), and let you perform a gap analysis on your firm’s legal obligations. Includes analysis of News and Developments

Eveything In One place

A Streamlined LRCM Process

Horizon Scanning
Monitoring Regulatory Developments globally with personalized, customized controls routing to you what you are interested in
Assessing Developments for applicability to a business/business area, using customized visualizations supporting the needs of Compliance, Legal, Risk, and Operations staff
Distributing the knowledge you have acquired in LRCM is key in supporting downstream processes(e.g. GRC, Policy Management, RCSA Support)
Identification of Obligations, Policies and Controls is your firm's knowledge. We help you to identify the knowledge in support of your regulatory needs and leverage that throughout the LRCM process.
Request a Solutions Demo
As LRCM is highly specific per industry we encourage you to reach out for a tailored demo or view our base capabilities via our Apollo app

RegLens Pro